Continues from Part 2 Hopefully, it has been clearly established in the reader’s mind that the so-called scientific evidence underpinning the sociological drive to embrace transgenderism is overwhelmingly lacking. The research to conclusively support both this new notion of the malleability of gender and the psychomedical approach to encourage questioning individual to ‘transition’, and its […]
Who Am I?: Thinking through Transgenderism – Part 2: The Science
Continues from Part 1 When ‘All of Us’, a document devised by the Safe Schools Coalition, was released in 2016, it propelled the issue of transgenderism into the Australian public sphere. No longer was the topic framed around a former athlete located on the other side of the globe, but rather about materials, of which […]
Who Am I?: Thinking through Transgenderism – Part 1
The Nashville Statement, a recently released document which defines human sexuality and identity in a way which is consistent with, and informed by, the Bible, has caused a flurry of activity in past weeks. Detractors, both inside and outside the church, have been quick to slam the statement as articulating an archaic position, one which […]
We’ve Got a Pelagian Obsession
Often remarked upon, little acted against, evangelicalism’s continuous love affair with pelagianism is a sordid tale, filled with mischief, mystery and mayhem. One which paradoxically illustrates the very doctrinal notion that it seeks to deny or, at least, forget. Indeed, evangelicalism has never quite been able to shake off pelagianism. The understanding that human nature […]
Pink and the Gospel “Offer”
“The Gospel is not an “offer” to be bandied around by evangelistic peddlers. The Gospel is no mere invitation but a proclamation, a proclamation concerning Christ; true whether men believe it or no.”[1]Arthur W. Pink, The Sovereignty of God (Baker Books, 1984) p. 209 It’s probably one of the most infamous quotations from A.W. Pink (1886-1952) […]
Understanding the Meaning and Place of the (Moral) Law
Having conversed with people on the subject of the nature and meaning of the Moral Law, as well as its place for the Christian over the years, I thought it might be helpful to post up a response I had written a few years ago on the matter. I hope that some may find this […]