Reflecting on the reality that God was sovereign over his life, Israel Folau sought to reason this point to others on Instagram and Twitter. Speaking to others in this new marketplace of ideas where pithy soundbites win, he was queried, “May we know how homosexuals fit within this teaching that you are presenting?” He responded: […]
What is the Place of Christianity in the Public Square?
“Christians”, I recently overheard someone comment to another, “should neither seen nor heard.” While potentially an extreme example of what is currently transpiring within society, it nevertheless is one which reflects a sentiment that is only becoming all the more audible. Christians are becoming increasingly marginalised within a society that owes much to the Biblical […]
Evangelical? What’s an Evangelical?
Since the ascendency of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee (and now, President-elect), there has been some chatter regarding the state of Evangelicalism and the bleak future of the term. Case in point is Russell Moore, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, who has frequently gone on record […]
Breaking the Chains Linking Slavery and Complementarianism
Earlier this week, Kevin Giles made connections between complementarianism, slavery, and apartheid. His main thrust being that as evangelical, or reformed, theologians once used the Bible to defend slavery and apartheid, their successors continue to do so with complementarianism. And if, Giles continues, complementarians were willing to admit that leading theologians once advocated slavery then they would […]
We Need to Be Denominational
It’s been a statement I’ve heard often repeated over the past few years, “Christians should learn Church history!”. As an individual formally trained as a historian, my first response is generally an elated “hear, hear!”. A study of Church history, after all, helps to solidify our faith by tying us back to the teachings of […]
Unity, Discernment, and ‘Excommunitweets’
Last week, an article titled “‘Excommunitweets’, Social Media and Spiritual Discipline” was posted on the Ethos website. The author, Megan Powell du Toit, points out how using social media in an offhanded and irresponsible manner can be considered divisive, or can, indirectly, lead to divisiveness. Before proceeding on my thoughts, I’d recommend reading her article […]